Bread Pudding Recipe

The best things in life are sweet.

We all are guilty of something, specially in our eating habits. Well I am guilty of having a sweet tooth, I can live on desserts, ice creams and chocolates for life.

They say; Sugar is more addictive than cocaine. I don’t know who they are? But yes, I am truly Addicted to desserts. If I will have a meetha craving in the middle of the night, I will end up baking cakes & brownies solely for myself.

So presenting to you;

Bread Pudding Recipe


1. Half of a french loaf/ baguette

2. About half or less cup of melted butter

3. 2 cups of milk

4. 12 tablespoons of sugar

5. 3 eggs

6. A pinch or two of cinnamon powder


Beat eggs one by one, then add sugar, milk & cinnamon powder. Beat well.

In a baking tray or dish, layer sliced baguette then pour a few drops of melted butter on every slice. Now pour all of the blended mixture & leave for a while till it settles, bread is completely soaked. Put it in preheated oven for 30 to 35 minutes. Just keep checking time to time. Take it out in a bowl for individual serving. Pour Nutella sauce and caramel sauce then, garnish it with strawberries & blueberries. Serve it with whipped cream on the top or vanilla ice cream by the side.

I will soon share Nutella and caramel sauce recipes as well.

Well! Those kilos of fat sagging on my bones narrates my life story. Live to eat has been my Mantra. Eat, sleep & repeat. Happy Eating everyone! Love, lights &peace to all..

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