Ah Life! Strange it is..

Ah life! Strange it is! Beautiful, sad, boring, joyful, colourful & mystery.

You never know how vulnerable you can be at times, how unpredictable life can be, you are an incident, an accident or a diagnosis away from a 360 degree change in your thoughts, perspective & life. I was Experiencing a lot of pain in my left leg & foot, I did self medication putting my foot in warm water & salt, using Voltaren whatever was possible. It was getting worse day by day. One day my husband suggested to call medical helpline if you have so much pain, I called the medical helpline, they sent me to a physiotherapist she did the analysis then she sent me to a emergency orthopaedic ward. They did a x-ray & there was nothing. Then they did a leg ultrasound & detected a 5cm long blood clot in my left leg. I was diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis at the age of 30. My whole life came in front of my life as if I will die in that very moment. My world completely changed, I won’t say collapsed or shattered because InshAllah that I won’t let it happen. Don’t wish for a long life, wish for a healthy life.

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