An Expat’s Rant

It’s been 11 years since My husband and I have been living an expat life. When you move out of the country it’s scary & it’s exciting. Scared of the new country, it’s culture & excited to explore the new country. ⁣

It was our 11th Ramadan in a foreign land which is our home now. Living abroad makes you leave your life, your relationships behind. You long for them for many small & big things like just want to hug your sister or want to sit with dad & mum. I am sure my husband sometimes feel the same. ⁣

One more Eid without our families around. My husband and I are complete family to each other for 11 years. We have been through everything alone like our ecotopic pregnancy, 21 eids, 11 ramadans, moved 3 countries, celebrated anniversaries, shared & did everything between sea & sky. ⁣

We just have each other & no one else around to call our family. Living abroad gives you many things independence, self-confidence, better lifestyle but at times it feels it takes away much more in return.⁣

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